How do I configure Google Analytics?
General Description:
We recommend you add Google Analytics, a free service provided by Google which offers visitor tracking and other statistics services for your website. You must have a Google Analytics account before you can connect the service to your ShoutCMS website.
Action Steps:
- Create a Google Analytics account at
- Take note of your account ID or Web Property ID from Google Analytics. (eg. UA-1111111-1).
- Log into your website admin console. Click on "Settings" in the top right of ShoutCMS to open the "Settings Dashboard".
- Under "Pages" select "Google Settings".
- Enter your Google Analytics account ID or Web Property ID. Click "Save".
Within a day or two, you will be able to log into your Google Analytics account to see enhanced information about visitors to your website.
After entering your Google Analytics Account Number and saving the changes, it may take up to 24 hours for statistics to begin appearing for your site within your Google Analytics account.