Hosted Services
ShoutCMS the ShoutCMS website Administration Console, internet access to your
website, bandwidth, file storage (website and email content), and daily
site backup. Hosted services, and usage limits will vary depending on
the service package you selected. Optional services include email,
dedicated server, and service contracts. The ShoutCMS Hosting Agreement
defines important terms of use that are accepted when a ShoutCMS website
is created.
ShoutCMS servers are located in a secured data centre located in
Alberta, Canada. The data centre provides emergency power backup, dual
internet access, and premise security to assure physical security and
access to your website. Servers are backed up daily at approximately
11:00 pm MST.
Your Hosting Account
ShoutCMS is a cloud-hosted service that is accessible through the internet. To protect our customers, terms of service and processes to change services are defined in the ShoutCMS Hosting Agreement. This agreement describes scope of services, terms of use, charges, responsibilities, change of ownership, and deactivation processes.
In summary, the hosting agreement includes: access to the ShoutCMS website Administration Console, internet access to your website, bandwidth, file storage (website and email content), and daily site backup. Hosted services, and usage limits will vary depending on the service package you selected. Optional services include email, dedicated server, and service contracts. The ShoutCMS Hosting Agreement defines important terms of use that are accepted when a ShoutCMS website is created.
To Access your Hosting Account
Your ShoutCMS Hosting Account username and password (the Primary Contact) are included in your ShoutCMS welcome package. These credentials are used to access both the ShoutCMS Administration Console and your hosting account. This information should be stored in a safe place. A reset-password request must be accompanied by proof of ownership of the website URL.
The Client Area
Information about your hosting account including licensed optioned, hosting costs, and bandwidth / storage limits are provided in the Client Area. Customers can change or upgrade their services, view support tickets, and add authorized contacts to their account from the Client Area. Click here to login to the client area.
Temporary Location
All new ShoutCMS sites are created on an temporary internet location to avoid interference with existing sites. You will build the majority of your site while it is on the temporary location. The following configurations cannot be completed until the permanent URL is assigned (before site activation):
- Activation of email services and creation of accounts
- Activation of store merchant accounts
Refer to Activating your Site for more information about Domain Name changes to activate your ShoutCMS site.