Changes in ShoutCMS v6.11.6.R20170607
This document contains the release notes for ShoutCMS v6.11.6.R20170607. The release only applies to instances of ShoutCMS 6.2.x or greater. If you are using another version of Shout (5.8.x, 6.0.x) and want to learn more, please contact our support team.
Note: This release includes the updates from v6.11.5.R20170503 that were not pushed to all clients.
Functionality Added or Changed
- New Feature: Added Global Payments RealEx payment processor. The payment processor is available upon request (Feature #4760).
Bug Fixes and Enhancements
- Enhancement: Updated "Quantity" product option to have minimum, maximum, step and units settings (Enhancement #4759).
- Enhancement: Added a link to form submissions that points to the page/article/product that contained the form when it was submitted (Enhancement #4826).
- Enhancement: Updated various icons in the admin console (Enhancement #4843).
- Enhancement: Updated the height of the title-bar and tab-bar in the admin console to accommodate the new icons (Enhancement #4846).
- Bug Fix: Updates were crashing on sites without the "Pickup" shipping method installed (Bug #4619).
- Bug Fix: When processing a payment on the "Contacts" page, if the payment failed the user would be redirected to the default "Payments" page (Bug #4650).
- Bug Fix: Banners would revert to their original order after a change (Bug #4775).
- Bug Fix: Comment visibility settings were not being saved on new articles (Bug #4797).
- Bug Fix: Order Search would crash when search results were empty (Bug #4814).
- Bug Fix: Product import will now show an error for Products without a "category" defined. Also fixed the "summary" field not importing correctly (Bug #4824).
- Bug Fix: Twitter Social Widget was not working with the new Twitter embed code format (Bug #4827).
- Bug Fix: "Select" button was not working on Large Features under "Related Content" (Bug #4830).
- Bug Fix: Title for "Manage where this page is displayed" was barely visible under "Manage Related Content" (Bug #4831).
- Bug Fix: Product import would show a "File not Found" error when the import file was located in a particular directory (Bug #4833).
- Bug Fix: Listboxes on Product Options were not working correctly on mobile devices (Bug #4849).
- Bug Fix: Contact Import allowed multiple contacts with the same User ID, Email Address or Member ID (Bug #4851).
- Bug Fix: Invoices were sent from the "New Orders Sent To" address instead of "Invoices Sent From" (Defect #4191).
- Bug Fix: Page options were not cloned when an article was cloned (Defect #4798).